Tree pose
We love Tree Pose for its wide range of benefits, but above all for the grounding energy it offers, allowing us to stay firmly rooted in the present moment. This asana not only strengthens the body physically but also helps cultivate a deep sense of mental and emotional stability. As we balance in Tree Pose, we nurture both strength and flexibility, while also improving our focus and concentration. It’s a posture that connects us to the earth, fostering a sense of inner calm and balance that carries into our everyday life, making it a truly powerful practice.
A complete sequence of asanas should include at least one posture that works on balance. One of my favorites, for its connection to the present moment and versatility, is Vrikasana (Tree Pose).
We have chosen Vrikasana for this month because it’s accessible to all participants and highly effective for developing balance. It’s recommended to practice it at the beginning or end of the session to center the mind and stabilize the body.
Technical details
Keep your face relaxed, avoiding unnecessary tension.
Focus on the foot that supports your body weight, grounding it firmly into the floor.
Anchor your center of gravity through abdominal breathing, focusing on the area around your navel. Breathe naturally and evenly.
Fix your gaze on a single point (Drishti) and focus on stillness and upward stretch. Advanced practitioners can direct their attention to the manipura chakra.
Some of its benefits
Keep your face relaxed, avoiding unnecessary tension.
Focus on the foot that supports your body weight, grounding it firmly into the floor.
Anchor your center of gravity through abdominal breathing, focusing on the area around your navel. Breathe naturally and evenly.