What it is, purpose and benefits
Yoga means union. It can be the union between the internal and external body, the micro cosmos with the macro cosmos or/and the fusion of individual consciousness with cosmic consciousness.It is a way to be able to see beyond, to achieve a better understanding of who I am, how I am and where I am in a conscious and profound way. It can also be explained as the principle of the sun and the moon, representing it as vital energy and mental energy seeking balance between them. These two energies are the two sides of the same coin and govern the functioning of the human being in all its day-to-day facets.
In class we said that everything that is yoga is already within us, so the systematic and negligent practice is to gather and bring to the surface everything that was asleep in us.
For me, the most notable benefit of yoga is that it gives you the tools to achieve things that you already know are impossible; like being able to live in tranquility, joy and satisfaction. It also helps to have better attention by improving cognitive and behavioral approach. It focuses and directs your attention to the activity you are doing and to being present with a pleasant and grateful feeling from day to day. Concentration can also improve by being present and with pranayama techniques we can extend it little by little for increasingly longer periods and then we can use it for different activities in our daily life. Another benefit that I think is important to highlight is that it not only gives us the tools to achieve a better understanding of ourselves but also helps us understand others, achieving a broader, compassionate and respectful vision of life.
Furthermore, it not only helps our energetic and mental body but also our organic body, activating circulation through movement, massaging our vital organs, strengthening our muscles and bones. It provides our spine with better support by strengthening the muscles and providing breathing techniques to have a healthy central nervous system. Our brain is the organ that probably enjoys our yoga practice the most, since the asana movements, pranayama techniques and chanting stimulate it, producing beautiful amounts of dopamine and oxytocin, giving us a feeling of relaxation and happiness. And suddenly life begins to have meaning by being present and wanting to live well.

What it is, purpose and benefits
They are energetic locks that are performed with a sustained contraction in one or multiple areas of the body. It has an effect on at least 3 of our koshas; annamaya with glands, muscles, nerves and organs. Pranayama with nadis and chakras and manomaya relaxing the mind.
The energy accumulated in the locks serves the central energy channel which is sushumna nadi, providing a large amount of energy to the brain. It also empower and elevate the prana, providing better control of internal energies and intensifying the activity of the chakras and dissolving psychic knots, like
Brahma granthi with mula bandha, vishnu granthi with uddiyana bandha and rudra granthi with jalandhara bandha.
A constant practice is recommended to stimulate the flow of prana to the central channel accompanied by mudras to enhance the direction of the flow.
To intensify the prana in the energy channels, it is recommended to previously awaken the chakra energy worked with pranayama and kriyas exercises.
With systematic training you can comfortably prolong its duration.
Mula bandha: it is the contraction and elevation in the pelvic floor. It is related to muladhara chakra. The woman should concentrate on the area where the vagina and uterus join, while the man should concentrate between the anus and genitals.
It has been suggested that through this practice unstable menstrual periods can be regulated, urogenital functioning harmonize and relieve depression.
contraindications:It should not be practiced during abdominal problems, high blood pressure, bleeding hemorrhoids, weakness in the nervous system. T
Uddiyana bandha: It is the abdominal contraction or we can also say that by the action of the lock the diaphragm rises towards the chest. It is related to manipura chakra. To practice this lock is important to be on an empty stomach or have finished digestion.
The benefits are multiple, strengthening the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. Massages abdominal, heart and lungs.
Increases gastric fire; improves digestion, assimilation, and elimination; and purifies the digestive tract of toxins.
Stimulates blood circulation in the abdomen and blood flow to the brain.
contraindications: in case of colitis, ulcers, appendicitis, heart problems and pregnant women.
Jalandhara bandha: First comes the neck contraction and then brings the chin forward and down to the collarbone. It is related to Viccudha chakra. This bandha is possible to make with inhalation and exhalation retention.
Some of the benefits are like with thyroid problems.
It helps in strengthening the spinal cord and improves blood circulation.
It relaxes the shoulders and aligns the spine.
Because work in Vishuddhi chakra helps efficiently dealing with emotions and feelings, facilitates better communication and self-expression. It can also help in reducing the heart rate and slows down body activities.
contraindications: in cases of hyperthyroidism, heart problems and high blood pressure
Maha bandha: This is the great lock because the 3 mentioned locks are activated simultaneously achieving as a result the sum of its effects individually, which is why it is a very powerful exercise.